Why we Give


Some churches talk about giving and finances too much. Some churches avoid it altogether. We believe that giving, our time, our energy, our gifts and our finances is simply a reflection of gratitude for the abundance that God has already given to us. We're not trying to pay God back, or buy His blessings, we give because God first gave to us. And we don't expect anyone to give what they can't afford or pressure anyone into giving what they don't want to. But we have found that as we give we experience great joy!

Your financial gifts go to support 4 main areas



A circular icon with a line drawing of a church building in the center, a cross upon its roof.



The upkeep and development of our property and facilities that are used by many people all through the week.

A circular icon with a line drawing of three peoples heads and shoulders.



To employ qualified and gifted staff to lead and support the activity of the church.

A circular icon with a line drawing of two open hands facing upwards with a cross between them.



To support the various ministries and activities of the church.

A circular icon with a line drawing of a single open hand with a heart floating above it.



To bless others in the wider community through the programs and events that we offer.

To Give to Playford Uniting Church


EFT/Direct Deposit

Account Name: Playford Uniting Church

BSB: 105 198

Account #: 064 328 040

EFT Reference: Offering


Via Credit Card

Give using tithe.ly



Place in the offering box located at the back of the church. Envelopes are available from the office if you wish.



Payable to 'Playford Uniting Church'


E(give) Direct Debit

Egive is a regular direct debit from your bank account or credit card. Forms are available from the church office.

Pastor Peter Riggs reaches out with love and care and holds hands with one of two elderly ladies seated in the church.